[ 录入者:admin | 时间:2007-11-22 23:20:47
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1 拓扑结构

上图中使用CCM4.13与CCM5.0 通过inter-trunk的模式进行互通,公用一台2600系列路由器,并 通过FXO连接PSTN。内部网通过一台交换机实现各设备的互联,DHCP做在一台PIX上,并通过PIX连接 互联网
2 详细配置
配置概述:本文档主要涉及Voice 相关的配置,对于数据及安全方面的配置请参考其他资料,同时对 CCM的配置中,主要收集两个Cluster之间的配置及落地的配置,其他配置请参考其他文档。 IP地址分配表
设备 端口 Ip 地址 Firewall E0 交换机 Voice Gateway E0 CCM4.13 CCM5.0
2.1 Voice Gateway
! voice class codec 100 codec preference 1 g711alaw codec preference 2 g711ulaw codec preference 3 g729r8 codec preference 4 g729br8 ! // 定义网关上的codec class,用于codec转换 ! interface Ethernet0 ip address half-duplex h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr ! //配置E0 端口,并配置该H.323网关所使用的源地址 ! ip route ! //配置缺省路由 !
! l ! voice-port 1/0/0 cptone CN timeouts call-disconnect 5 timeouts wait-release 5 timing hookflash-out 500 connection plar 2200 supervisory disconnect dualtone mid-call ! //配置FXO port,同时设置相关应答/挂断参数 ! ! dial-peer voice 8000 voip destination-pattern .... voice-class codec 100 session target ipv4: dtmf-relay h245-signal no vad ! //配置指向CCM4.13的Dial Peer ! dial-peer voice 1000 pots destination-pattern 9T port 1/0/0 //配置落地的Dial Peer !
2.2 交换机
! Vlan XX Name voice ! Vlan YY Name ***** Interface vlan XX Ip add xx.xx.xx.xx xx.xx.xx.xx //配置voice vlan interface ip helper-address xx.xx.xx.xx No shut Interface vlan YY Ip add yy.yy.yy.yy yy.yy.yy.yy //配置数据vlan interface No shut ! interface FastEthernet x/x description phone and PC switchport access vlan YY switchport voice vlan XX !
2.3 CCM4.13
2.3.1 配置与CCM5.0 的Inter-Trunk

2.3.2 配置落地网关

2.3.3 配置落地Route Pattern

上图中的Gateway or Route List中,使用了一个GZ RL(Route List),该Route List中加载了 一个Route Group,Route Group中绑定了两个网关246和247(247没有体现)

2.3.4 配置与CCM5.0间IP Phone的Route Pattern

2.4 CCM5.0
2.4.1 配置与CCm4.13的inter Trunk

Add a new trunk

Set the Parameters: Device name: set as you like Description: Set as you like Remote Cisco Callmanager Inforation: Server 1 ip address:[enter the ip address of the primary callmanger]
Other configuration: just let it be

2.4.2 增加落地网关

Add a new h.323 gateway

2.4.3 配置落地Route Pattern
配置落地Route pattern,下例仅是针对本地固话的route pattern,对于所有落地的route pattern建议同时建立有确认键“#”和没有“#”的两个Route Pattern

2.4.4 配置与CCm4.13 间的IP Phone的Route Pattern

2.4.5 X-lite配置 Add a user in CCM5.0 Add a device/line in CCM5.0
On the Phone configuration page, use the following parameter : • MAC Address :______(MAC address of the PC where the SIP IP Phone is installed) • Device Pool : xxxx • Phone button template : Third-Party SIP Device (Basic) • SIP Phone security profile : Non Secure SIP Profile auth by string • SIP Profile : Standard SIP Profile • Owner ID : 8188 X-lite配置
Run X-lite,right click the screen. Select SIP accounts settingadd
