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Coyote Linux personal firewall
[ 录入者:admin | 时间:2007-10-29 06:59:23 | 作者: | 来源: | 浏览:640次 ]
Coyote Linux personal firewall

This personal firewall distribution of Linux designed for the purpose of protecting a personal or educational network. In addition to being designed to have very low hardware requirements, Coyote Linux is able to provide the performance and uptime that is expected from any Linux based system. This release is available free of charge and can be downloaded from the "Downloads" link in the left hand menu. NOTE: This product is licensed for personal and educational use only. If you would like to use our products for commercial or government use, please see the "Wolverine Firewall and VPN Server".

  • Linux 2.6 based system kernel
  • Iptables based stateful firewalling
  • Support for Ethernet (static and DHCP) and PPPoE Internet connections.
  • Excellent uptime and operating system reliability
  • SSH 2.0 and web based remote administration options
  • No-cost alternative that can make use of old hardware that may have otherwise lost its usefulness.
  • Easily shares an Internet connection with several LAN clients (adequate hardware and Internet connectivity required).

System Requirements:
  • 486DX/25 or better processor
  • 32MB RAM
  • CDROM Drive
  • 2 PCI Network interface cards
  • 32MB of IDE, SCSI, or SATA storage
  • VGA display adapter
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