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nrlsensorsim-2.27 installation
[ 录入者:admin | 时间:2007-10-28 00:50:14 | 作者: | 来源: | 浏览:694次 ]

under the assistance of season and some other essenstial reply on this website, today nrl'sensorsim-2.27, together with ns-2.27, has been sucessfully installed on my laptop running winxp+ cygwin.

nrl'sensorsim is an extension for simulating wireless sensor network. it supports dual MAC interfaces in one snesor node which is capable of detecting phenomennon signals from nearby phnomenon nodes and communicating with other peer sensor node in ad hoc manner to relay information back to data collection point. on the website, http://pf.itd.nrl.navy.mil/nrlsensorsim/ , the author details two versions of extension for counterpart ns2. detailed instructions are also listed.

my trial in installing ns-2.26 fails due to some weird reasons, probably lacking of relevant patch for ns-2.26. but i succeeded in fixing ns-2.27 and counterpart nrl'sensorsim-2.27. Therefore, i list the procedure here in order to facilitate someone who might come across the same prob.

step1: download necessary materials including:
       1) nrlsensorsim-2.27 and ns-allinone-2.27 from the following website: http://pf.itd.nrl.navy.mil/nrlsensorsim/
       2) make sure you download the right instruction, just for nrlsensorsim-2.27
       3) download the patch for ns-allinone-2.27 from the following link: https://www.ececs.uc.edu/~cdmc/ucbt/src/
notice: put these files in one directory!

step2: installation procedure:
       1) unzip nrlsensorsim-2.27 and ns-allinone-2.27;
       2) cd nrlsensorsim-2.27 and ./patch_script-2.27.sh
       3) cd ..
       4) patch -p0 < ns227-gcc34.patch.  notice: during the process, there might be some warning against some compnents failed to be patched. ignore them!
       5) cd ns-allinone-2.27 and ./install
       6) put the envirnoment variables at the right path at the end of the installaton by following the instruction at the end of the compile.

i havnt done any simulations by using nrlsensorsim so far, but later on, i will continue this part after the operating.

enjoying the trip and please propose any suggestions. thanks


PS: according to serveral responses, the website for nrlsensorsim seems excludeing  ip addresses from china. i am wondering if any space in this website could be allocated for me to upload the file in the size of 926KB. any suggestions will be highly valued.   

[上一篇]帮助你Leach安装成功 [下一篇]原创-----如何往NS2中添加新的MAC..


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