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Remember to install
[ 录入者:admin | 时间:2007-10-28 00:37:28 | 作者: | 来源: | 浏览:198次 ]
from http://labs.nec.com.cn/tcpeval.htm

概况 Overview

我们实现了一个NS2 TCP性能评价工具,它包含几种典型的拓扑结构和流量模型,能够测量在TCP性能评价中常用的参数,并且自动产生仿真统计结果,同时将其转换为可以输出到 latex和html文档中的图片。该工具包含一个可扩充的开源框架。欢迎大家使用和完善此工具,并且定义出一组常用的TCP性能评价仿真场景。

We developed an NS2 TCP performance evaluation tool. This tool includes several typical topologies and traffic models; it measures some of the commonly used metrics; and it can automatically generate simulation statistics and graphs ready for inclusion in latex and html documents. The tool also contains an extendable open-source framework. We invite community members to use this tool, to join effort to make this tool better, and to define a critical set of the simulation scenarios for TCP performance evaluation.

btw: I am so busy with my paper works these days, so just post some others' work here:) If you have some interesting thoughts on related topics, plz contact me through email:)
[上一篇]NS2 install with Xorg [下一篇]My NS2 Model for Wired Network


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