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Note on 802.11e TKN model installation on NS-2.31
[ 录入者:admin | 时间:2007-10-28 00:32:16 | 作者: | 来源: | 浏览:447次 ]
Note on 802.11e TKN model installation on NS-2.31

Author: Weiwei (fangvv at gmail dot com)

Today I installed the TKN 802.11 model (http://www.tkn.tu-berlin.de/research/802.11e_ns2/) into my ns-2.31 official release. There exist some bugs which should be noticed when install this model to ns-2.31 (& ns-2.28 too)

1. The author give a patch (http://www.tkn.tu-berlin.de/research/802.11e_ns2/WLANpatch-ns2.28-v1_0.tgz) for fixing the bugs described in the technical report TKN-03-019. However, the last few lines contain some mistake files and folders. To patch it successfully, you should delete the lines from 280 to 300, which shows as the following:

diff -Naur mac/patched/mac-timers.cc MAC_patch/patched/mac-timers.cc
--- mac/patched/mac-timers.cc    2006-03-07 12:02:09.000000000 +0100
+++ MAC_patch/patched/mac-timers.cc    2006-03-07 11:56:13.000000000 +0100
@@ -149,8 +149,6 @@
-    Scheduler &s = Scheduler::instance();
     if(paused_ == 0)

2. In new NS2 version which contains the SMAC, the SLEEP mode for nodes has been added into the mac mechanism. So when you change the mac/wireless-phy.h as the directions in README file contained in TKN model ver 1.02(http://www.sf.net/projects/ieee80211e-ns2/). Remember to add support to SLEEP, that is:

7. mac/wireless-phy.h:
        enum ChannelStatus {IDLE, RECV, SEND};
        enum ChannelStatus {SLEEP, IDLE, RECVING, SENDING};

3. As described in README file contained in TKN model ver 1.02, when you use 802.11e model:
- in your simulation script: After defining your transport_agent
% set transport_agent [new Agent/UDP]
,just add
% $your_transport_agent prio_ x
to give a certain flow a specific priority
(x between 0 and 3, 0 being the highest, 3 being the lowest priority).

But it will report errors!!! so do it like that:
% $your_transport_agent set prio_ x
[上一篇]Test File for TKN 802.11e Model [下一篇]How to add tcl support in Sourc..


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